Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Need to Piggyback on What She Said

So Lori at Glass Half Full must have read my mind today, because she said exactly what I have been feeling. When will the madness end? Why must we choose between gas in our vehicles or food on the table? It's getting harder and harder to have BOTH!

I have to say that we have learned trust and contentment in recent months more than we have at any other point in our lives. And the thing is, God always provides. It's in the smallest thing sometimes, but nonetheless, it's like a little kiss from God, a message from Him that reminds me, "I love you, child. You are mine and I'll take care of you!" He is truly our Provider.

And so, for now, we trudge on. We keep working hard, putting one foot in front of the other and doing "the next right thing." (Thanks, Papa, for those awesome words.) We work to keep our priorities in check, continue to evaluate "need" versus "want," and we pray for His provision. Most of all, we are learning to be content, whatever the circumstances.

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.
Philippians 4:12

He is faithful, my friends. I can attest to that. He has always been faithful.

And that's worth more to me than a full tank of gas or a fridge full of food!


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Yes- so very true!! We've seen lots of little & big kisses from him everyday lately and it's wonderful to remember where it all comes from.


Glass Half Full said...

I am starting to get scared. Seriously.

God will always provide and I will put my faith in Him!


Jody said...

I was thanking God just this morning for being my Provider! One of my big lessons from Him the last year and a half has been contentment in all circumstances. I have read and meditated on Phil 4:12 many times. I think I will add it to my memory verses I am working on. In times such as these it is nice to have reminders to keep my spiritual tank full. (Hope that doesn't sound too cliche, but it is true!)

Barbie @ Mamaology said...

Amen God is our provider. And maybe, just maybe, This is a good thing for greedy, have Way too many things, America? Most of the world would still LOVE to have our problems:)