Tuesday, December 18, 2007

If it seems I'm missing....

It's because I'm buried under mounds of boxes, wrapping paper, scotch tape, scissors, cookies, chocolate, cellophane, stuff for teachers, stuff for the class party, stuff for Jer's family, and stuff for mine. Projects to finish, cards to sign, rehearsals at church, and a pile of laundry. A tree needing water, a kid needing water, thank you's to write, and people to remember.

I'm off to bed. I did cookie baking today and was hanging over a huge tray of 64 cookies that I single-handedly baked, piped, frosted, and decorated. My chiropractor will have a hay day with me when I see him next.

I have miles to go before Saturday (Christmas with Jerry's family), so you won't be hearing from me much this week.

I just want to remind you all, in this final push to Christmas, to stop. Remember. Breathe.


Our Savior has come! Emmanuel...God with us.


Glass Half Full said...

Oh I will be at this place soon enough -- BUSY BUSY BUSY!!!


Life With All Boys said...

Tis the season. I haven't even started my baking. Do you think we could push Christmas back a week or so?

Anonymous said...

That's why I'm not doing any baking. I do what I have to do and that's keeps me busy enough. I hope you stay sane for the rest of the week!!!

It's like we should have the true celebration after all the hoopla (the gifts, parties, etc.).

That's why the chorus that keeps going through my head is: "give me Jesus, give me Jesus- you can have all this world. Give me Jesus."

May you have more of Jesus and less of the stress.



Sheryl said...

Sometimes it seems like it will never end. Then, suddenly it does, and Christmas is over.

Merry Christmas!!