If you're reading this and you have children, you know that Christmas is so precious through the eyes of your little ones. Nothing compares to your own childhood experience UNTIL you have kids of your own. I have never been more thankful for my guys (all 3 of them) than this year. Celebrating Caden's first Christmas with us as a family of four is so special, and this year in particular, I am so very grateful for the blessings God has bestowed upon us. He has been so faithful and so very good to us this year.
Today, Cody had his Christmas program at pre-school, and it was precious. Imagine, if you will, a class of twenty 4 and 5 year-olds re-enacting the Christmas story. There were angels, shepherds, Mary and and Joseph.
Today, Cody had his Christmas program at pre-school, and it was precious. Imagine, if you will, a class of twenty 4 and 5 year-olds re-enacting the Christmas story. There were angels, shepherds, Mary and and Joseph.
There were many sheep and of course, the three wise men.
Cody brought the baby frankincense. He was the first one to walk down the aisle of the little church (where he attends pre-school) carrying his gift for the King. He wore a robe and crown and he presented his gift and laid it by the manger as "Silent Night" played in the background. How can a mother not be moved to tears by this beautiful story, with her own child playing a part?
After the children finished their little play and sang some songs for us, we went downstairs and were presented with gifts our children had made for us. They had even hand-stamped the wrapping paper themselves! He handed me his gift and said, "I love you mama." Once again, the tears fell down my cheeks as I saw what he had made.
This, my dear friends, is what Christmas is all about. The giving and receiving of gifts, especially the one we celebrate year-round...our precious Savior Jesus and our families. These are truly the best gifts of all.
It reads:
"Let the little children come to me..." Matthew 19:13
"Here my handprints are done
For everyone to view
I had so much fun
Doing this for you.
So look upon this handprint
Hanging on your wall
and memories will come back of me
when I was small."
Oh, what memories. I remember when Tyler and Ashley had pre-school programs. These are very special times.
So fun- so precious! I'll never forget my first Christmas with Noah as a baby, and having the realization one night as I was rocking him that God gave up His Only Son for us. How is it possible!? Now that I had a child, it just meant so much more to me. So amazing.
Matt made the exact thing for our fridge and it has been there for a few years. Makes me cry sometimes!!!
Around here Christmas as a family of four was better than three!!!
That first picture of your little guy is soooo cute;)
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