We are enjoying our week tremendously. I will reveal where we've been as I update the blog. I am going to post in the order that we did each activity. We have had an amazing week together and made memories that will definitely last a lifetime. One of the stand-outs of this trip was our visit to the Creation Museum in Kentucky. What an experience. To walk through a place where God is so unashamedly proclaimed, without apology, and to see Truth proven throughout the entire place was soul-inspiring, to say the least. I wish I could take every unbeliever I know and lead him or her by the hand so that they could see that the Word
is TRUTH! This sign is toward the beginning of the tour through the museum. It certainly hit home for me.

Right after you see this, walls full of today's headlines are splashed everywhere. I don't even have words to describe my emotions as I looked at the reminders before me...all the ways we've abandoned God as a culture (click on the photo below to see just a hint of what we saw on the walls around us). It was chilling.

Another very powerful moment for me was looking at a display that took us through bible prophecy dating back to the very beginning of time, laying out history and showing that hundreds of bible prophecies have been fulfilled and that none of them have failed. You could have heard a pin drop in that part of the museum, as people just stared at the timeline of one historical event after another leading up to now....BACKED UP WITH SCRIPTURE. (While in that area of the museum, there is a flatscreen television with one person after another proclaiming God's Word. I loved this sign:

Throughout our entire week, we've been working on memorizing this (I think it's a great witnessing tool when sharing Christ with people):

One thing I really appreciated about this place was the fact that they displayed both sides of the argument (Creation versus evolution). They lined up the "logic" side by side with scripture and and allowed you to see how the two stack up. I personally think it takes more faith to believe that we emerged from primordial ooze than it does to believe there is a CREATOR who made it so.

If you've never visited the Creation Museum in Petersburg Kentucky, you simply must. It is worth every penny you will pay in the admission price and you
will walk out of there changed. I am planning on telling everyone I know about this amazing place. More to come soon....
I hope that maybe we will get a chance to do a weekend trip this summer. Glad it was an amazing experience!
How cool. I've never heard of the Creation Museum before. It would make for a great trip.
I love that in the "7 C's" pic your son's reflection is in the bottom right corner!! It's priceless!!!
We want to go here! And now you have encouraged me more to make it a priority to visit:)!
I look forward to seeing more of your adventures!
I'm glad that you guys had a great time on your trip. Happy to see such a great place as this...we need more of them!
great pictures! I've heard the Creation Museum is the coolest place.
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