It's time for me to catch you all up on what's been going on around here lately. Cody has had some big moments this past week, and I've finally been able to sit down and document them!
First, he played in his third recital last weekend, where he debuted "Twinkle: Variation A" (for those Suzuki violinists out there!). He did a great job, but it's a little hard to hear him over the piano. Seriously, I was more nervous about accompanying him than I was about him playing! He's worked so hard this year, and his teacher was very proud of him. He will be taking private lessons again this summer, as well as adding a violin class with other kids his age. He's looking forward to it!
On Monday, he participated in Awana awards, where he wrapped up his third year in Awana and his first year being a "Spark." He did super this year (his teacher often wrote "WOWZER!" when she signed off on his memorization), and I'm so thankful for his sweet leaders and their service and dedication to our kids. Most of all, I'm grateful for the truths of God's Word being hidden in his heart. What a blessing to hear scripture coming from his lips!
Then, yesterday, as if the week wasn't big enough for him already, the training wheels came off his bike, and HE. RODE. PERFECTLY!! I was absolutely astonished at the fact that he didn't even need to practice. He just did it. He was so proud of himself and now he wants to ride all the time. Jerry and I both remember being his age and riding all around our neighborhoods all day long during the summer. It was one of our favorite past times! I think he's definitely going to follow suit!

Tomorrow marks the week that Cody gets to be "Super Star" at his school. Every week during the school year, one child from the class is chosen to be the "star." I have had such fun looking through old pictures from the last six years and putting together his "All About Me" poster. I am amazed at how quickly the time has gone and how much he has done in that short time! What a joy it has been watching him grow! What a privilege it is to be his mom. Caden and I will visit his classroom on Tuesday where he will get to "show" us to his class. Each student is also encouraged to share their interests with the class, so he's also planning on playing his violin for his peers.
Well, you're all caught up now. Hope you had a great weekend, and I wish you all a fantastic week ahead!
Wow- you have to be a proud Mama! We have the first Suzuki CD!
Your doing a wonderful job with that little man Happi:) You should be proud!
And I so wanted to comment on your post about schooling, but never seemed to have a free hand to do so:( But I loved ready the comments, because we too send our girls to public school. I loved your transparency and humble heart in the matter!
And BTW I'm not pregnant:):):) That would be a HUGE surprise for our future but it is something different, something I have to wait until after May 18th to announce:)
Oh and to make this even longer... I would LOVE to get together with Julie V and you this summer. Let's plan it soon!
He's so cute. And my boys did the same thing. Just took off on their bikes like they'd been doing it forever.
Yeah, Cody! What a wonderful little boy. I can tell you are a proud momma!
Ok, the first thing I honestly thought was "Happi plays piano too?" HA! GREAT JOB, CODY!
Great job on the violin and so glad blogger finally let you download it! I love when my kids learn to ride their bikes without training wheels, great job Cody :)
Wow! That boy's got talent. I remember when Tyler was Student of the Week and we made a poster of his family and favorite things. It is so much fun to have those opportunities to share with your child. Two and a half weeks to go!!!
Awwww . . . yay Cody! Congrats on a wonderful recital and for getting those training wheels off your bike. (Can you help your older cousin out? She STILL has her training wheels on!!!!!!)
I love you!
Auntie Mimi
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