Thursday, November 02, 2006


Confession: This week I've found myself grumbling. Grumbling about the baby not sleeping. Complaining that the housework and laundry have once again piled up and that I can't seem to catch up...again. Missing the days when life was simple...just me to take care of! Getting angry when my husband didn't come home for dinner last night because he was out doing ministry. Selfish thoughts, I know. I'm ashamed of my attitude. Especially in light of what Jerry was doing this morning.

This morning, my husband sang for a funeral...of the father of one of his students. He was only 46, and he had three girls. He was a devoted father and husband who recently lost his five-month battle to pancreatic cancer. His girls wrote him letters that were enclosed in the program of the funeral service. One of them wrote, "Even though you were ill, you wanted to have the basement redone for us before you went up to heaven." Another wrote, "I will always remember that you came to the first homecoming game I cheered at. Even though it was very cold and rainy, you sat in the bleachers wearing Grampa's hat. Even though you weren't feeling good, you did it to make me happy. I appreciated that." On and on their letters went, full of memories of the love and devotion their father had shown them through the years of their short lives.

I can't imagine what this family is feeling tonight, or the overwhelming thoughts they might be having. I really can't imagine. But I grieve for them. I grieve for his wife who is missing her husband. I cry for his girls who will desperately miss their daddy.

And so tonight I thank God for my baby who won't sleep through the night. I commit to honor my role as wife and mom and do my daily housework with joy, acknowledging it is the Lord I serve everytime I pour myself out for my family. And I will be grateful for a husband who leads the choir at our church with the gifts and abilities the Lord has given him. Above all, I will remember that God poured out his blessing on me when he brought Jerry into my life all those years ago and for our beautiful boys who bring me such delight and joy.

May we all be challenged to have some perspective. Every day is a precious, precious gift.


Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Oh wow, precious perspective here. I find myself catching bits of the news and I have to grab my boys and love on them and hug them so tight, so thankful that we are safe and sound and taken care of.

Glass Half Full said...

We need that perspective every now and then!!!