Monday, June 29, 2009

The Latest Happenings

It's been a while since my last post, but I thought I'd give a brief update on the happenings around here.
  • We returned from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan on Saturday after saying good-bye to Jerry's grandmother one last time.  She died peacefully early last week, and we're all thankful that we were able to be together.  God provided a beautiful place to stay with a view of Lake Michigan and the kids were able to play together.  Jerry sang at the funeral and I know he was a blessing to the family.
  • My brother-in-law and his wife had their first baby last week and we're going to see them later this afternoon.  We are so excited for them and we can't wait to meet our new baby nephew.  
  • We are enjoying our summer.  Cody took two weeks of swimming lessons and grew so much even in that short time.  He's become a little fish.  Caden and I joined him at the pool last week and I loved hearing him jump to me in the pool while yelling "CANNONBALL!!!!" He's such a riot.
  • We heard more rustling in our kitchen cabinets last night but this morning reveals a still-set-up mouse trap...but no mouse.  Ewwwwwww.  
  • Jerry and I have the privilege of doing the musical "Hello Dolly" together this summer and it opens in a mere 18 days.  Rehearsals have begun to get a little more intense, but we're excited to see it all come together.  The boys have all the songs memorized and if I forget a line, I'm sure they'd be able to feed it to me. Cracks me up.
I hope you're all enjoying these beautiful summer days.  I hear all kinds of people on Facebook complaining about the heat, but remember at the beginning of the month when we were all complaining that it was too cold?  I suppose one is never satisfied, but I for one am enjoying all the energy my kids are burning outdoors.  When they go to bed at night they are exhausted!

Have a wonderful week in the Lord!


Barbie @ Mamaology said...

I LOVE the girls play and play in our little pool:).So fun to watch.

Sorry to hear about Jerry's grandmother.

Kari said...

Can't wait to see the show!!!!