We pray you are enjoying this beautiful weather as summer approaches. We got together with our neighbors over the holiday weekend and all of us were remembering how cold it was and how desperately we all wanted this warm weather to come. It's finally here!
Here, in no particular order, is our life in pictures over the past couple of weeks. We spent a day down in Chicago so the boys could celebrate the end of the school year (though we really "school" year-round). They loved splashing around in the fountains.

My students (and Cody) had their end of year recital. All of them did a great job!

Cody was in a "Geography Around the World" class this year, and he is in the front row representing Burkina Faso in Africa. He learned much about that country from good friends who were missionaries there.

We hosted some abandoned baby ducklings for a couple days until we could get them to the wildlife refuge center near us. They were so cute, but VERY loud.

The boys are always on the hunt for wildlife, and one day they found this moth on the neighbor's tree. They have also found many toads, bugs, slugs, and birds (don't ask). Ah, life with boys...

We have already taken quite a few nature walks this spring.

Here's Caden at his pre-school circus show. He was very ADAMANT about the fact that he wasn't going to participate.....

....except in the acrobatics part, because what boy DOESN'T want to swing from the monkey bars?

He also enjoyed the parts involving balloons.

Both the boys worked really hard in Awana this year. Here's Cody with his leader, Miss Jody, after earning his Sparky award (he completed three years in the Sparks program, which means he completed three entire books of bible memorization). We were so proud of him for this accomplishment.

Here he is up on the screen before receiving his award. I love that they did this for each child.

Caden completed his first year in Awana Cubbies. Here he is with his leader, "Mr. Seth."

More fun in the fountains at Millennium Park.

Having a picnic together...

...and excited to see what the summer holds. It promises to be full and busy, but hopefully PACKED with lots of fun and learning. Hope you all are doing well and that you had a great Memorial Day!
great pics!
I love watching your family grow!
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