Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weekend Fun

These pictures are all out of order, so you'll have to forgive me. I'm too tired to move them around! It was a fun weekend but a long one, so bear with me.

This weekend I went home to spend some time with the family and also do a little business. For those who don't know, I have recently become an Usborne Books consultant. I was not looking for more to do, but this was an opportunity I just felt I couldn't pass up. I'll tell more about how it all came about in a future post, but let's just say it was a God thing. Anyway, my younger sister agreed to host a party for me, and it was a great success thanks to all who came (a big thank you to my mom and older sister for their support!).

Yesterday, we crowded around the computer (because the game wasn't televised in our area) to watch the Huskers play. It was a nail-biter to say the least, and we were pretty much on the edge of our seats the entire time. They did pull out a win in the end. Here's mom watching:
Meanwhile, the kiddos enjoyed playing on the property at Nanna and Papa's house. Ozzie got in on the action too.
I don't you think they like each other? : )
Cody and Cass...such a sweet duo.
The gang on "the rock." Look how tall Thing 1 is!
At Culver's...chicken strips, french fries, and ice cream ALL around!
Hope you have a great week!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Harvest Party!

This past weekend brought lots of fun for the kids. We decided to host nine little boys in our home for a Harvest party. Why did we do this, you might ask? We thought it would be great fun, of course! And you know what? We were right. Everyone had a blast.

These pictures represent some of the activities we did during our party. Below, Jerry carves a pumpkin while I read "The Pumpkin Patch Parable." That is a wonderful book!
All the boys made flubber. I've never seen anyone have so much fun with glue, Borax and water. Entertainment for hours!
We played "Wrap the Mummy." Caden and I won. We had the advantage. He was the littlest to wrap!
And then Jerry played "Wrap Mommy's Face." It's a good look for me, don't you think?
Here is Caden at his preschool party. This is the costume parade. Now introducing...Mr. Conductor. I remember when Cody wore those!
MMMMmmmmmMMMM! Yummy cupcakes!
My little boy who insists he's not little. "I'm NOT little, mommy! I'm BIG!"
Finally, 'Lil Red and the TaeKwon Do Master.
Happy Harvest, friends!